Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Say it ain't snow....

It was the great snowpocalypse of 2014 here in the Midwest, only it wasn't.

Not here anyway. Here it only rained.

It makes me feel cheated like I did when they opened Al Capone's vault. There was so much hype and anticipation of what was to come. Yet, we got nothing. Just a lot of rain, and a light dusting that followed. I wanted the snow. Nearly 14 inches is what the local weather man was predicting. I wanted to watch it fall from the sky and blanket the ground throughout the day. The snow makes everything look new and pure as it covers up the dirt and mud that usually appears this time of year. I wanted a reason not to get out of the house, or remove my eyes from the t.v. Although I managed to do that despite being bamboozled by the forecast. We were prepared. At least I was prepared.  They had food. I had a pot of chili. They had bottled water. They had movies. I had sports. And we had each other.

All we needed, was the snow...

Photo by MFP

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