Saturday, September 29, 2012

You're to Kind......

There are a lot of good people out there in the world. People who are saving lives, or taking care of the elderly. You know people making a difference in somebody else's life, today. I am not one of those people. That's not to say I don't do my fair share of good deeds. Why just yesterday I made a fresh pot of coffee at the office when the old one was getting low. That's something right? And I most always put the toilet seat down here at the Palace so when the DW sits down she doesn't get her tushy all wet. I'm sure she appreciates that.

But lets face it, my acts of kindness, I mean true-go-out-of-my-way-to-be-kind-to-someone acts of kindness are few and far between. Oh sure I do something nice like get up on my in-laws roof to help repair a leak even though everybody knows I'm terrified of ladders, or help move some furniture from upstairs to downstairs. But again, that's an every now and then kind of thing. Or maybe more to the point, a when I'm asked to kind of thing.

So recently my SIL turned 30 and decided to start a very noble project. She's calling it her 30 Random Acts of Kindness in 30 Days. The idea is she does a random act of kindness each day for the next 30 days. Pretty simple right? Well I don't know about you, but I have a hard time doing anything for 30 days in a row, let alone being nice to people. But she is. She's done things like purchase gift cards for the customer behind her at Starbucks. Passed out gift bags of quarters at the local laundry mat, and sent coupons overseas for soldiers and their families. I love the idea and honestly, wish I'd thought of it first. She posts each days Random Act on Facebook and I gotta say, it keeps me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what she'll do next.

So a huge shout out to today my SIL. You keep doing your Thang, and Thanks for your Kindness...


  1. I love this. What a wonderful way to celebrate 30.

  2. Wow, what a terrific idea! Is it unkind to steal it?

  3. This is great! She puts the rest of us new 30 year olds to shame! Good for her!

  4. It's a fantastic way to remind yourself of all in life there is to be grateful for and it feels good! Buying coffee for the person behind me is one of my favorites. :)
