Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Shopping

Ok so lets talk a little Christmas. Tonight I took mini-me to the store to buy gifts for his sisters, the DW and myself.

See I took him out because the girls have that Santa Workshop thing at school where they get to go and pick out some gifts for the family, but he's not in school yet so he didn't get to do anything like that. Now granted the gifts they get at the Santa shop are not the greatest gifts right, but they're their gifts.

So anyway, I had been telling him for the last couple of days that he and daddy were going to go to the store so he could pick out some things. So tonight was our night, and after dinner we headed out to get some presents.

Now to be fair, I took him to the dollar tree, which is where the girls Santa Workshop presents came from, so I knew we wouldn't be getting them something nicer then what they got all of us. After all we sent the girls with 5$ apiece, and they got presents for us all, so how nice could they be right, and anyway, that's not the point. The point is the giving right and not the cost, or the actual gift. The point is to teach them all about the giving.

So after I explained to him that we would not actually be going to Santa's Workshop, we took off. He did pretty well. He saw a coloring book that he thought Olivia would like, and she actually would, that's her thing. He saw some items for Emily that I tried to talk him out of, but he insisted on getting them for her. But then he saw some boy toys, and he got a little off track. You see he was supposed to be buying gifts for his sisters, Mommy and Daddy. He saw some action figures, a two foot sword, and a paper airplane that always comes back to you, and while I do think the air plane was pretty cool, I think he was thinking more of things he liked an not so much for dad. So I had him pick me out a hot wheels car instead. Finally he got the DW some lotion. There were three different kinds that he had to smell and decide which one he liked best. The first was ok, the second was an eww gross, and the third was so so. He decided on the first one.

So we paid for our gifts and headed home. Of course we weren't in the door two minutes and he told the DW what he got her. Nice.

A little later I had a chance to talk my oldest daughter and told her to remember that he's just a little guy and that he tried, and it's the thought that counts....yada, yada, yada, in hopes of preparing her for the gift he got her that I'm just sure she's not going to care much for. She explained that she understood and was ok with that. I told her that I didn't think he got her the greatest gift in the world, and again to just remember it was the thought that counts. Her response...that's ok, I didn't get him the greatest gift either.......


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